Ah, three glorious sea days to start the cruise out. I know there are a lot of people that don’t seem to like sea days, but personally, give me a sea day any time, and I’ll be perfectly happy. And to be honest, I do basically nothing during the sea day. Cathy will wander around doing various activities around the ship, especially trivia, but personally, the chance to sit back and do absolutely nothing is what really appeals to me. One of these days I’m hoping to do a trans-Pacific cruise, those ones that have plenty of sea days between stops. It’d be perfect for me. Just me, a book, and the horizon.
Speaking of the Pacific, one thing that’s really struck me is just how calm it’s been. These days cruising down to the first ports have been absolutely smooth, by far the smoothest of any cruise we’ve had. In a way, it’s almost a little disappointing, I like a little bit of movement.
Prime time of the year for possibly seeing whales, but really have only seen one possible. Never got a great look at it, but it did appear to be a whale. Surfaced a few times in the distance, but it was a ways away. Did see some spouts on another day, but never really saw where the spouts were originating on those. Other than that, saw a few flying fish, and some sort of larger fish that was jumping up and seemed to be landing back on it’s back. Not sure what they were, although from the brief glance, made me think of a tuna or something.
The evening of the 24th the entertainment that we tried was the comedy magic of Tim Metivier. Tried is the operational word here. Cathy lasted a few minutes before deciding that this guy just wasn’t funny. I waited a little longer, but when the guy spent 5 to 7 minutes working on setting up a joke (and it was all setup work), I gave up. Just wasn’t worth the time to sit around for something that just wasn’t interesting.
On the evening of the 26th we tried yet another comedian. This guy was John Rizzo. Oh boy. It’s not pretty when even the comedian recognizes that he’s bombing. Heck, Metivier at least was getting some laughs from some people. This guy was just plain terrible. You could just kinda watch the deer in the headlights look come over him as he realized it just wasn’t working. But then, we didn’t stick around very long after getting an initial impression of how the show was going.