Another day at sea, meaning another day of pretty much doing nothing. Nice and relaxing, where the hardest thing you have to do is track down food at various points of the day. Spent time on the Promenade deck reading, but eventually got chased out when some idiot halfway up the deck decided it was reasonable to smoke a pipe. Even though the guy was probably a good 100 feet away, it still smelled the place up.
Of course, as the second scheduled sea day, this also made it formal night again. I know there are people that enjoy the whole dressing up for formal night stuff, but I’m definitely not one of those people.
Comedian tonight was fairly decent. He performed last night too, and word had gotten out that his show was supposed to be decent. Even arriving 20 minutes early to the Explorers lounge it was getting tough to find a free seat. By the end of the show, there was a pretty decent sized crown standing out in the hallway outside the lounge listening. The ship’s definitely pretty crowded, with a large number of kids. Apparently there’s a bunch of space free on the upcoming trans-Atlantic, be nice if there was some way to fit that into the schedule.