First step is to start searching through the box for the parts needed to build the first half of the wing. Upon opening the box, my first thought was “Wow, that’s a lot of wood.” The box is just jam packed with a lot of sheets and a lot of sticks of wood. Kinda hard to believe that this pile is going to turn into an airplane.
It looks pretty bad in the box, but then I keep having to dig because I haven’t found the trailing edge for the wing. And keep digging. Meanwhile, the pile of wood outside the box keeps getting bigger and bigger, and believe me, out of the box it looks worse. Finally find the trailing edge as about the second to last piece in the box.
Spent the rest of the evening trying to identify the ribs I needed. Balsa USA doesn’t seem to punch any identification onto the ribs, so you have to use the pictures in the manual to try to identify them. The sheets with ribs W-6 and W-7 I found particularly difficult to distinguish.