Ok, I fully admit I stole this idea from looking through some builds of planes. One thing that’s always kinda annoyed me when building wings is that I’ve never been able to find a builder’s square that was small enough to use in the space available that wasn’t too expensive to buy lots of them. I’ve seen the plastic triangle ones, but most of them are a little too big, and often there a couple of bucks each. So what I did was pick up some small angle braces (2 inches on a side). These ran 2 dollars for a pack of 4. Then I took some scrap wood and glued it along the bottom edge so they’ll stand. Kind of makes them look like little sailboats. From what I can tell, they’re pretty close to perfectly 90 degrees, so it makes them perfect for what I need.
Now I just need some really small canons to mount on them, and I can go invade really tiny countries.