Another sea day. We seemed to make it down the river channel last night without any problems. For that matter, during the times that I was watching out out balcony, I never did see *any* other traffic. That kinda surprised me, especially since we’d apparently had traffic problems when going upriver.
Another day of not really doing much. Went to a couple of the lectures that were given on the ship, one on various types of print making in art, and the other about the battle of the Plate River from back in WW2. That one was apparently given by a passenger that had done a couple of lectures who’d been on since Venice.
Noticed in the dining room this evening that they seemed to be running somewhat fewer staff than normal early. As I’d commented, the dining rooms are very empty during the early hours on this cruise. I think they’re trying to adjust a little so they can handle the larger crowds late, but this evening at least it seemed to miss a little, as if they weren’t quite sure about things.