Next the outer leading edge gets installed.
After this, built the second wing panel, but doesn’t look like I took any photos of it, so on to the center section.
Random thoughts from Gary
Of course, the Fokker D.VII is a biplane, so that means of course that after the top wing is done, well, there’s another one yet to be built. Here we have the ribs and spars laid out, and the inner leading edge glued in place.
Then the bottom sheeting is put into place. I’m finding that it’s going a lot better than it did on the top wing. The join between the sheeting and the leading edge is much more uniform than it was when I did the top wing.
Finishing up attaching the outer leading edge to the top wing.
And here we are, finally, 2 years and 4 months after I started this project, and I finally have the top wing done. This may yet be the slowest build project ever (although I have a few years to go to beat the last plane I built from a kit). (Ok, technically it’s not quite complete. The leading edge hasn’t been shaped, mainly because I don’t want to do that inside, and it’s been way too cold to do that work outside.)
(Sorry, some of my plane photos are somewhat blurry from now on, I’ve been using the cell phone to take the pictures, and it doesn’t do a great job).